July 18, 2013

ACLU Seeks Ban of Bible Distribution in Kentucky Schools

In its usual intimidation and strong-arm tactics, the ACLU has pressured Kentucky school districts to
forbid the distribution of Gideon Bibles in schools.

A Christian legal group named “Alliance Defending Freedom” is resisting the attack on Christianity by sending their own letters to the school districts the ACLU sent its letters to.

Here's part of what the ACLU said in its letter:

“[T]his practice violates both federal and state constitutional guarantees barring governmental endorsement of religion, and it also impermissibly encroaches upon parents’ prerogative to direct the religious upbringing of their children.

“By allowing an outside group to distribute sectarian materials directly to public elementary school students during school hours, school officials create the impression that the school endorses those religious views which subjects the students to ‘subtle coercive pressure’ to accept the proffered religious materials.”

The response from Alliance Defending Freedom was this:

“Public schools should encourage, not shut down, the free exchange of ideas. That’s why the schools frequently allow a wide array of groups to distribute literature of various sorts to students. Singling out the Gideons while allowing other groups to distribute literature would be clearly unconstitutional.

“Kentucky schools should not allow the ACLU to brow beat them into a constitutional violation. The First Amendment does not allow religious speech to be singled out for discrimination.”

Larue Country Register totally supports Alliance Defending Freedom in the matter, as well as the continuing distribution of Gideon Bibles in Kentucky schools.

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